Scripture Strugglers

Welcome to my blog! This Blog is for those who are struggling in reading and enjoying the scriptures as a whole.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Noah and His Family ...continues

Entry - Seven

Hello again, It has been over a month since I last wrote. I’ve been so busy I didn’t even realized how fast time went by. I’m not giving up on this writing though. I do want people to want to search the scriptures more, and also enjoy them at the same time.. So I’m back. Before I move on; I feel the need to give you a little history of the translation of the Bible because if you are aware of this brief history it will help you understand passages that don’t make any sense when you read them. We are staring to come across some of them that are somewhat obvious, so here we go:

As I mentioned before, the Bible has been translated many times throughout the centuries ... or years. John Wycliffe an Oxford professor, scholar, and theologian was the first man to hand write the first English translation of the Bible back in 1380 AD. He was a rebel in the eyes of the religious leaders back in the 1370's. Religious leaders did not want people to read the Bible... Only religious scholars and religious leaders were allow to read them. They only read what they wanted the people to know. They even change the context on the wording to fit their agenda or purposes. Many books were omitted for translations. Religious leaders didn’t want the Bible to be translated to any language, or be read in any other than Latin, even though Latin was not the original language of the Bible...these kind of actions cause a lot of contentions among certain religious scholars and theologians; it caused loads of deaths. Issues of translations, who can, and can’t read the Scriptures; who can have them, and so forth; it’s what caused the separation of church and create different sects of religion. The people rebelled through the years... and little by little through hundreds of years these sacred books have lost a lot of the true wording of what these prophets truly wrote. So, we are now left with some incomplete writings... which make it confusing at times to understand. This is why it’s so important to invite the Spirit of the Lord to help us fill in the blanks whenever possible or get the main idea and message of what the prophets of old where writing about. I like to read the King James version because it is the oldest available, and it is the least translated in our times... even though the King James version was translated in the 1600s (1611); far from the1300's - it is still the oldest we have available to us. It is not perfect, but it is more accurate than any other out there right now.... unless you can get your hands on some older than King James, or the German, Hebrew or Greek translations. Some say that the old German translation is the most nearly correct translation of these sacred books. The Bible is only the word of God through his prophets as far as it’s translated correctly, some parts of the Bible have been addition or subtractions that religious leaders made to benefit their agenda to control the people in those times... when some people, and some religious leaders like Martin Luther would want people to have the more accurate teachings of the Bible..those in religious power would come after them and persecute them or kill them... So the fact is that as much as we want to say the Bible is perfect.. It is not. Not because of the teachings found in them, but because of those that meddled with it to fit their agenda. The only true witness of what is of God, and what is of man’s meddled, it’s the Spirit. Don’t take me wrong. A lot of what is found in there is true and it’s a record of those people, and some truths have been omitted that can show the consistency of the character of God more plainly, and clearly on his dealing with man. The Bible is not complete: books have been omitted, words have been changed; as to how much? Hard to say.... at least for me it is. That’s why you need to be open minded as you read and let the Spirit guide you as to the message that it bears. The Bible still has a lot of history, and truth of God’s dealing with man. Incomplete.... But, It is still sacred.

Where am I getting this information? Well, it is everywhere in history... all you need to do is read ancient history or look up in the internet the timeline of the Bible or it’s translations timeline and you’ll come up with some of what I’m saying and much, much more... Here is one of many links you can look up, if you want (if you can’t click on it, just copy and paste the link):

As I was saying before; one of the best ways to tackle the scriptures is to first look at the characters and their story without prejudice and above all with the Spirit of the Lord. Ponder their story and see what the Spirit tells you... then, go back and read them all over again, and again, and again, and again... and you’ll find that every time you read them; the stories become more real and clearer. You begin to discern each time Heavenly Father’s character and his nature. His nature is not for him to be a mystery to us, but for us to get to know him better; of his love for us; his dealing with man throughout time. He doesn’t want to be a mystery to us, but a Father. Our Heavenly Father. This has been the biggest argument about him throughout time among man. The scriptures clear this out if we read them, and ponder them with an open mind to let the Spirit guide us as to what these prophets recorded in their time. This is a life time procedure because the Bible is not perfectly translated ... unfortunately too many people have meddled with its translation...but the message it’s still there.

Here is an example of something that doesn’t make any sense as to what really happened :

In chapter 9:20-27 it talks about how Noah was drunken and one of his sons Ham saw his nakedness: his other two brethren Shem and Japheth covered their father’s nakedness without looking at him. When Noah woke up and knew what Ham had done, he cursed Canaan, his children, and his future generations... Now, isn’t it a bit too harsh to say the least to punish his grandson and his seed by making them slaves just because Ham saw him naked??? What about Ham’s other sons, Why not them also??? It is not logical... worse things have been done than this. It is not withing God’s characters, nor Noah’s to place such a long curse upon a person for seeing the nakedness of their father. We can assume many things, but from what we know of God so far; this action doesn’t make any sense, it’s out of character.. So there’s got to be information missing... Ham must’ve seen and/or done things that he knew were definitely prohibited in that tent, but he acted upon it anyway. After all, Noah was the prophet of God and he was probably in charged of sacred things that no one could see or hold except the Lord’s Prophet.. Or something like that.. What does Canaan have to do with any of this??? The thing is, there’s got to be more to the story than what it’s written. What makes me think that??? Well, if you think about it... the Ark of the Covenant was only allowed to be handled and opened by those in authority which were the prophets, and the Levites which are the descendants of Levi one of the twelve sons of Jacob (Israel): If anybody else touched it, or handled it... they died. We’ll talk about the Ark of the Covenant in later chapters when we get there. The thing is, only because they were the sons of Noah, it didn’t mean that they had access to everything Noah had access to; when it involved sacred matters. I’m sure Noah had sacred records with him when he, and his family went into the Ark. I’m sure we don’t have the complete story of Noah, before the flood. Through out time the prophets were required to keep records. Even from the beginning... how else would we have these records? History it self says that wordings and books were literally omitted from these records. Here are the verses:

[20] And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
[21] And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.
[22] And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
[23] And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
[24] And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
[25] And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
[26] And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
[27] God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

So, from this verse Genesis 9:25 we know that Canaan and his descendants would become not just servants, but servants of servants, which means that they would be the lowest of the lowest of people; not being consider of equality among men. Canaan and his descendants would become servants to his brethren which would be “everyone else. Would that be right??? Now, food for thought.... Why was Canaan cursed and not his other siblings, or even Ham his father??? Wasn’t Ham the one that went into the tent??? or could it be that the text was changed and it wasn’t Ham the one that went into the tent, but Canaan??? ...

Genesis 10 gives you the descendants of the sons of Noah: Canaan’s is Chap. 10:15-19

Just for your personal interest: It can be hard to follow Canaan’s lineage throughout the Bible; you have to make a lot of notes to keep up as to who came from whom. I will try from time to time to point out, who is who as to their linage, and give you the reference as to chapter and verse: but as an over all view of who came from whom in the Bible; see the link below, it gives you and idea: The link below from, gives you and idea of who might be the descendants of Ham, and Canaan. A lot of the information there seems to back up the Bible’s lineages of their characters.

I hope you enjoy this entry. I hope you are becoming more open minded as to how you are seeing these sacred accounts. They will only enhance your mind and understanding. Have a great week