Scripture Strugglers

Welcome to my blog! This Blog is for those who are struggling in reading and enjoying the scriptures as a whole.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Adam and Eve

Entry - Three

Hello again, Let’s see how long it takes me this time to write this last entry on Adam and Eve. Here we go.... Just a reminder: Don’t forget to PRAY before reading the scriptures. It is crucial to your understanding; if you want to know the interpretation of the Spirit of the Lord. Be open minded. Relax, Let the Spirit teach you and show you what he wants you to know. But, don’t just read.... Meditate, Ponder what you read. See what the author is trying to show you. Don’t interpreted it, just try to see what’s going on.

Okay, here are some words from my last entry that you need to consider again; plus four more:

To Rule over someone or some things is not the same as to have Dominion over someone or something. Here is the difference: In the America Heritage Dictionary one of the definitions says “Rule... Governing power..” Same dictionary: “Govern ... guide; direct; regulate...”
To have Dominion : Same dictionary. “Control,..Ownership of property, especially of land, and the right to its disposition.”

Help: “To give assistant; to aid... To contribute to in some way.... To give relief.”

Meet: “To come together. To come into conjunction; be”...”Fit... To be appropriate or suitable.”

Transgression: It is wrong because someone says it is wrong: like driving without a license; parking on a NO parking or a red zone, or parking longer than two hours on a two hour zone; looking at your notes while taking a test...and so forth... All of these are wrong because someone said it is wrong.

Sin: It is Inherently Morally wrong. You know WITHOUT question that it is wrong: like robbing: killing someone on purpose, having intimate relations out of wedlocks etc.. Doing things that you know fully well THEY ARE morally wrong is sin..

Subtil: subtle, crafty, sly, elusive. “Characterized by craft or slyness; devious.”

Death: termination of life; Technically - the Separation of body and spirit: The body goes back to the earth; The spirit goes somewhere else....

Side Note: Some people like to believed that God is a Man, others that God is a Woman: Here is another example of plain and simple, yet many have made it into a big mystery:
If Adam was the first man and Eve the first woman on earth, Where did he get the notion of father and mother??? Two separate individuals.. Genesis 2:24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother...” Don’t you think that if we were created in his image; male and female; then there must have been both in heaven? If Adam consider God his father, then there must have been someone he called mother? Our own spirit testifies of that. No mystery there, just common sense. Simple and straight forward. Remember, The scriptures are simple. Picture the stories in your mind and see what the Spirit shows you.

Last time I mentioned how the Lord himself brought the animals to Adam and let Adam named them. How he also brought Eve to him. Now, up to this point their roles were not officially defined. They were both to care for the animals, and the garden... unofficially Adam was responsible for the custody of everything that was created. The Lord instructed him concerning the garden, and allowed him to name the animals that He himself brought to him... that he may care for them, and have dominion over then in a righteous and loving way; this happened before Eve came a long. When Eve was introduced to Adam, he recognized her as part of him. He saw her as his equal. She was as important to him as the right leg is to the left leg; as the heart is to the mind... One cannot do without the other... even thought they play different roles in a body. Unofficially Adam was the head keeper, and Eve was his aid, his partner. Just like the body... the head leads the body in an obvious way; but so does the heart in an unobtrusive way. Together they are one. They are complete. And it works better when the mind and the heart are in agreement with each other: United in the same purpose. That’s how you know when you’re doing something right, or you’re on the right track. Your mind and your heart are in harmony.

Up to this point it was not necessary to define their roles. They were like children, not knowing right from wrong. They walked around naked, and didn’t think anything of it. It makes you think that the garden must have had a perfectly nice warm weather: Genesis 2:25 “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” They didn’t know any better.

It doesn’t say how long Adam and Eve were in the garden before the “serpent” approached Eve. Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.” If we use the definition of the dictionary of the word “subtle” then, it tells us that the serpent was not the more or most trustworthy and honorable in character of all the animals. One can see why Satan, Lucifer chose that creature to possess or speak through to Eve and deceive her. Now, many people view Eve as the weak link between Adam and Eve. Eve was not weak, neither was Adam. They were teachable and smart...Ponder this: Adam named all the animals, he came up with hundredth of names. Read again how he spoke of Eve... and Ignorant person would not speak that way... now Eve, she didn’t just do what the serpent wanted her to do... the serpent had to reason with her and used a lot of truth with a little lie mix together. (This technic is still in use; Satan will use about 90% truth, 10% lie, and that 10% is what can leads us astray). Now read this and picture it in your mind: Genesis 3:1- 5“....And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it. Neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Now, Eve only knew what she was told to do and not to do by God: and repeated that to the serpent. Then Satan said through the serpent ONE lie, and the rest truth; the lie; “Ye shall not surely die..” up to that point, death did not exist. The Lord assure them; they would die if they touched or ate from that particular tree. Now, remember we don’t know how long Adam and Eve were in the garden. They were like children.... children are teachable and always eager to learn something new. They don’t know things; unless we show them or stimulate their brains... With this in mind... After the serpent told Eve that God knew that if she ate of that fruit that her eyes would be open and be like the gods “knowing good and evil.” which was true. She would know right from wrong, BUT NOT before she ate the fruit... SHE had to eat the fruit to know the difference... Now, did she commit SIN? NO, she didn’t. She TRANSGRESSED; she only knew it was wrong because the Lord said it, not because she knew the difference. The same goes for Adam.... After the serpent gave Eve this new information of her eyes being open and “knowing good and evil...” Read what was spinning in her mind: Genesis 3:6-7 “...And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.” Eve had no reason to distrust the serpent, and hearing knew information about eyes being open; which she understood as an opportunity to becoming wise: It seems appealing; Don’t you think? I ask you; Who doesn’t want to learn new things? Any normal person would jump at the chance to better themselves. Eve is no difference.... think about it??? Here is her opportunity to grow. To understand things better. They were blessed by God to “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” If she could eat of the fruits of the trees, then the trees were producing fruit; if the trees were producing, maybe everything else were multiplying except for them. If they were following all of God’s instructions wouldn’t you think they might wonder how to go about and “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” ... They were like children... they didn’t know how. Or didn’t make the connection. They were obedient though. No matter, whatever she was thinking in her mind, she wanted to learn more, but probably didn’t realized she wanted to learn until Satan made her aware of the possibilities through the serpent.

Well, it is obvious that Eve was not near Adam when the serpent approached Eve; could it possibly be that he did this on purpose to get Eve alone because Adam would dismiss the serpent immediately??? Who’s to say that the serpent didn’t approach Adam first and Adam turned him down??? It would make sense that the serpent would approach Adam first since it was obvious he was the main keeper... Adam named the serpent, so the serpent knew who the main keeper was... so did Satan. Going back to Eve. If she was by herself when Satan approached her she had to go find Adam and give him some of the fruit....Why did Adam partake of the fruit??? He could have said NO. If you recall Genesis 2:23-24 he called Eve bones of his bones, flesh of his flesh, and pronounced that “a man ... shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.” plus the Lord blessed them to “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” He might have understood that by Eve eating of the forbidden fruit; they would be separated and would not be able to fulfill the Lord’s commandments to “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” If the Lord trusted Adam to name the animals, Adam must’ve been a very honorable and worthy man. We can see a glimpse of that again when he sees Eve. I ask you: If Adam was honorable and obedient to God; would he have let Eve be separated from him after what he said about her??? Obviously he did the right thing and ate the fruit, but you ponder that moment. After they both ate the fruit (it must have taken a few minutes after they ate the fruit) “the eyes of them both were opened,....” they seemed to be together when that happened; otherwise Eve would have been embarrassed to see Adam naked... don’t you think??? As soon they noticed they were naked they made themselves aprons

Another interesting thing, in Genesis 3:8 “... And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.” This is another scriptures that indicates that God is not a mist or energy; for mist crawls, and energy flows... people walk. Another interesting fact is that God seems to personally visit Adam and Eve in the garden .. It doesn’t say how often he did it, but enough for Adam and Eve to recognize his voice and his foot steps. It says that he was walking “in the cool of the day...” When does the day starts to cool?? Most likely towards evening; late afternoon. If you think about it; the Lord must’ve walked with Adam to show him the garden and show him the trees and everything else in it. He brought him the animals; that must have taken some time to name them all. He also brought Eve to Adam.

Have you ever heard the phrase: “pass the buck?” I think I know where it started. After Adam and Eve had their eyes open and began to see right from wrong and saw they were naked; they began to experience fear and embarrassment. They were afraid to let the Lord see them naked. Look at what happened next; read the dialogue: Genesis 3:9-14 “And the LORD God called unto Adam and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.” Then the Lord asked him about who told him that he was naked, and asked him if he had eaten of the forbidden fruit? Now, Adam could have just admitted that he ate of the fruit of the tree of good and evil, and leave it at that, but look at what happened next: God speaking: “... Who told thee that thou was naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” So, Adam said Eve gave him the fruit, and Eve said that the serpent deceived her. Consciously they were telling the truth, the way it happened; subconsciously they were passing the buck.... that’s what we call being human, not being perfect. They were no longer in a perfect state. They were now going to learn about consequences of actions. They would learn about good and evil, joy and pain; Eve’s conception would be painful, but joyful after wards. She wasn’t cursed... if that was a curse; women would not have children. It is through that painful conception that they understand the extreme joy of having a child: And that joy makes them forget that painful experience; as opposed to having pain from appendicitis or a bullet on your thigh. No one wants to have that kind of experience repeated.

Eve’s role was now defined; she was to aid Adam and he would rule over her. Now, remember the dictionary’s definition of rule? If we read it with that meaning... Adam had NO dominion over her, he was to rule over her which it’s different: Govern ... guide; direct; regulate” that could mean that she was to council with him, and make decisions with him.... Adam was now to work for their food; the land was not going to provide for them anymore. He now had to toiled and sweat for it... but again... food taste better when we have worked for it... when we have earned it. They had also become subjected to death. Now that they knew the consequences; the Lord needed to remove them from the garden... If he didn’t remove them they would be tempted to eat of the tree of life and they would live forever in their imperfect state, and that would not be good because they would never be allow to be in the presence of God again.... later in the scriptures we learn that no unclean thing can enter into his presence. So he removed them from the garden and placed “Cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life” Imagine seeing those angels and a scary, cool flaming sword that turns every way guarding that side of the garden where the tree of life was planted... Amazing because it actually happen.

This entry was a little longer than the others, but I felt it necessary to explain certain things. I hope it makes you want to go back and look at those chapters and ponder them. Thank you.